Paper Details


Vol. 7, Issue 1, Jan-Dec 2021 | Page: 19-28

Gundam Venkata Harsha Vardhan Reddy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Telangana-501301, India.

Gubba Rakesh
Department of Research and Development, Abyom Space tech and Defence Pvt. Ltd, Gorahkpur-274402, India

Jainul Abedin

Ashutosh kumar

Received: 28-07-2021, Accepted: 27-08-2021, Published Online: 01-09-2021

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Since the dawn of the space age, flow separation issue in rocket nozzles has been an unwanted phenomenon for the engineers. So, naturally, this became a task for the engineers which is to be brought under control. But it turned out to be a daunting task; even though many were able to explain the physics behind this phenomenon, it is not fully understood even to the present day. So, there are not many methods, which explains how to control or suppress this phenomenon. This paper aims to study about two of those few methods which affectively are able to suppress flow separation in rocket nozzles.


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